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What Do Angry CrossFit Members REALLY Want

What Do Angry CrossFit Members REALLY Want

Why are some CrossFit members angry? Are they mad at the workout or CrossFit or the community or the facility? No matter what business you go into you're going to have angry customers. Sometimes they're anger...

February 14, 2014
Pinterest For CrossFit: How to Setup Your Page

Pinterest For CrossFit: How to Setup Your Page

You might want to use Pinterest for CrossFit since it's the fastest growing social network in the world. If you like using it then I’d recommend that you try it out. Pinterest is a website where you have...

February 13, 2014
How To Deal With Misconceptions About CrossFit

How To Deal With Misconceptions About CrossFit

There are many misconceptions about CrossFit and as a box owner or trainer, you’ll need to learn to deal with them. Sure, CrossFit might not be like other workout programs, but you need to be able to...

February 12, 2014
CrossFit Owners! What Business Are You Really In?

CrossFit Owners! What Business Are You Really In?

CrossFit owners, do you know what business you're really in? When Apple created the iPod, did they just create an MP3 player? No. They created a seamless music listening experience. When Facebook was...

February 11, 2014
3 Persuasion Techniques to Get More CrossFit Members

3 Persuasion Techniques to Get More CrossFit Members

These persuasion techniques to get more CrossFit members are based on the book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini. If you haven’t already read this book, I highly recommend...

February 10, 2014
Is the Paradox of Choice Hurting Your CrossFit Marketing?

Is the Paradox of Choice Hurting Your CrossFit Marketing?

There’s a great book called The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz and can be highly useful for CrossFit marketing. I recommend you either read the book or watch his Ted Talk.

February 8, 2014
5 Ways to Justify CrossFit Pricing

5 Ways to Justify CrossFit Pricing

CrossFit pricing is one of the biggest roadblocks that prevents people from joining CrossFit. Why join CrossFit when you can join your local Globo gym for $25 a month? You need to help people realize the...

February 6, 2014
The Beginner's Guide To Setting Up LinkedIn For CrossFit Boxes

The Beginner's Guide To Setting Up LinkedIn For CrossFit Boxes

LinkedIn is a great tool to build your professional network. It can help you get leads as well as get in touch with professionals just like you. This guide will show you how to set up LinkedIn for CrossFit.

February 3, 2014
Choosing the right Software for CrossFit Boxes

Choosing the right Software for CrossFit Boxes

When choosing software for CrossFit boxes, there are a few excellent options out there. Software has the ability to make our lives easier, but ironically it can still be a time sink by hindering productivity, especially...

January 30, 2014