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I would contend that, more often than not, it is most often personal experience. So often in my career Ive met fitness pros with a powerful personal narrative around their own vitality and the fight...
As fitness professionals, coaches, and healers what is at the heart of our makeup? What makes us want to put it all on the line to help others?
I would contend that, more often than not, it is most often personal experience. So often in my career Ive met fitness pros with a powerful personal narrative around their own vitality and the fight they took on in order to find it. This fight so often builds passion which in turn, motivates others. I think all of us know that feeling of frustration around those individuals who come to us, in a state of sliding health, but just cant see what we see. So often, they are blind to their own potential. And far too often, as quickly as they have that “Aha!” moment, they fall back on old habits. This blog post is specific to that moment: that “Aha!” moment when the individual is passionate about change and how incredibly vital it is to reach that person during that very specific and far too often, very fleeting moment.
Any of us who’ve been through training certification or have studied a bit of psychology are well aware of the “Stages of Change” model. This is at the core of not only building a practice in the Wellness fields, but far more importantly it is at the core of leading others to the change needed in order for them (ie: not us) to change their lives for the better. For those of you reading who aren’t familiar with these concepts, a summary follows.
Each and every human being is profoundly unique. No theory or scale can capture the complexity of a human being but for those of us who make it our mission to heal, there is a catharsis therein. Virtually any demotivational event whether it be an injury, a bad experience at your box or studio, a poor turnaround on prospective member contact, or an overly aggressive sales culture can knock an individual back a notch or more down this scale. Likewise, any motivational event can lift them aloft and set them on fire with zeal and empowerment to push further along.
The vision behind PPL Labs is the empowerment of Box and Studio owners to focus every drop of their energy on the building of community around their box. In addition to this, we have made it our mission to build a system of best practices to help people in the wellness fields avoid those demotivational events in their practice, for this post lets focus on new "potential" members. This is at the heart of what we do. A few tips follow..
We will be delving more into this kind of procedural stuff in future posts. Please feel free to leave comments and/or to share this post. The whole concept behind "Best Practices" is that we all reach them together iteratively as a community - So, please feel free to reach out to us directly with questions or the like at Dan@PPL Labs.com. Until next time, In WOD we trust.
Director of Business Development
PPL Labs
Struggling with stagnant traffic, low conversions, or inconsistent branding?
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