The number 1 reason: You make it too hard for people.
If you want to get people to take a certain action, you need to take them by the hand and show them the way. Most people will not buy what you’re selling so you better not push away the people who actually might buy what you’re selling.
Here’s how business owners make it too hard:
- Their website doesn’t function well
- Their website looks like it’s from 1995
- Their website has no rhyme or reason
- They’re not active on their social media profiles
- They don’t have any reviews
- They make it difficult for people to contact them
- Their copywriting is bad
- They don’t have a way for people to subscribe
- They choose tactics before strategy
- They don’t tell stories
- They’re not up to date with technology
There’s not a single business person out there who doesn’t make any mistakes, but why make it any harder on yourself by making easily avoided mistakes. You could generate a billion visits a day to your website, but if it’s not setup right, nothing is going to happen.
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