How to utilize your Facebook page to get more signups
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How to utilize your Facebook page to get more signups

Did you know you can use your Facebook page to get more signups for your business? Simply go to your page and add a Call to action button. Make sure it goes to your signup page or another page with a great call-to-action.

This Tiny Adjustment Could Mean More Members

Did you know you can use your Facebook page to get more signups for your business? Simply go to your page and add a Call to action button. Make sure it goes to your signup page or another page with a great call-to-action. This is something very basic but so very often overlooked. Put yourself in the mindset of a prospect. If a button allows them to contact you, it's much less of a hassle than looking at the contact info widget and manually typing in!

To add a call-to-action button to your Page:

  1. Go to your Page’s cover photo and click Create Call to Action.
  1. Choose your call to action, and enter the URL for your website. If you have a mobile website, you can enter the URL for it as well. Click Next to continue.
  2. You should now see iOS Destination. If you leave Website in the dropdown field, people using an iPhone or iPad will be directed to your website. If you would like to direct people using an iPhone or iPad to your app, click on Website > App. Add an iOS deep link URL and click Next.
  3. You should now see Android Destination. If you leave Website in the dropdown field, people using an Android will be directed to your website. If you would like to direct people using an Android to your app, click on Website > App. Add an Android deep link URL and click Create.

Once you've created a call-to-action button, you can track the number of people who have clicked on the button.

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