There's Such Thing As Too Much Massage Therapy?

There's Such Thing As Too Much Massage Therapy?

Roger Clemens is one of the most studied baseball players of the past few decades. Being the center of a steroid scandal, he was also a master of his craft and obsessive about routine.

Roger Clemens is one of the most studied baseball players of the past few decades. Being the center of a steroid scandal, he was also a master of his craft and obsessive about routine. One of the most interesting pieces I've read about him is how he handled his spring training workouts. One of his trainers explained how often Roger got deep tissue massages after bullpens. He almost went every single day.

I asked myself "what is the problem with that?" I've had a deep tissue massage and I felt like I had a new body after. Apparently muscles form a reflex when they anticipate they are about to be injured. This can have a negative effect when practiced too frequently. It raised the question of what the benefits are for those massages and what kind of long term rewards are there?

Improving Blood Pressure. Deep tissue massage substantially reduces systolic pressure. It also increases the production of a specific hormone that generates happiness. Many believe most of physical pain comes from mental dwelling and this can certainly have an effect on tolerance.

Not All Scar Tissue Is Visible. Some of the toughest scar tissue can be held deep in body and can cause immobility. Tightness and the lack of flexibility are effected big time by this scar tissue. One of the best ways to relieve this pain and gain that flexibility back? Deep tissue massage of course.

Speed Up That Recovery Time. Roger Clemens was an old man when he retired baseball. I get back pains at age 27 that I believe would keep me on the bench for a start but Roger rarely missed a game. The Rocket loved the massages because the practice helped stretch the muscles out as well as release toxins that promotes healing.

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