To CrossFit or Not To CrossFit?
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To CrossFit or Not To CrossFit?

Is it necessary to become a CrossFit affiliate? What’s the difference between starting a CrossFit box or just starting a bootcamp company or strengthening and conditioning program?

Is it necessary to become a CrossFit affiliate? What’s the difference between starting a CrossFit box or just starting a bootcamp company or strengthening and conditioning program? There are obviously some pros and cons to becoming a CrossFit affiliate and we will explore some of them. Ultimately, it’s up to, but hopefully we can shed some light on the possibilities out there.

4 Reasons to CrossFit:

  • Brand Name: The brand name can go a very long way. CrossFit is hugely popular these days and people know the name. If someone is driving by your box, they might be more inclined to sign up if it says, “CrossFit” rather than, “Joe's Fitness”. Also, the brand name helps with word-of-mouth. It’s easier to get people to sign up if they say they do CrossFit.
  • Results Oriented: CrossFit has the image of a results oriented program. Many people might see this and be inlined to sign up. This goes along with the brand name too. There are so many before and after pictures out there of CrossFitters so people may truly believe that CrossFit gets results.
  • Standards: CrossFit coaches must be certified and they also need to be certified to open a box. They also have to pay an affiliate fee so not anyone can easily open a CrossFit box. This is one way of maintaining some quality control.
  • Community: I’m not talking about a community of your box, but I’m talking about CrossFit in general. There are hundreds of sites and other people that you can learn from and get advice from that is specifically geared to your situation. You can find anything from WOD’s, meal plans, marketing ideas, etc.

4 Reasons not to CrossFit:

  • Negative Branding: Unfortunately, CrossFit can sometimes be associated with negative connotations. A lot people think it’s only for hardcore athletes who always puke after their workouts. Whether it’s true or not, the image might scare a lot of people away. Especially people in their 40’s and 50’s who have the ability to pay.
  • Hard to implement other programs: When you’re branded as a CrossFit box, it may be hard to offer other services like Yoga, stretching or other strength programs. The name CrossFit might overshadow everything else you do. You might find that your particular geographic location get a lot of people who like spin classes or Yoga, but they think you’re just a CrossFit box.
  • Certifications and Costs: You need to become certified to become a trainer and you need to pay a fee to become an affiliate. This could be a hinderance to people who are strapped for cash, especially if you already have a lot of training experience from other programs.
  • You are not your own brand: While using the name CrossFit can certainly help you get your own customers, you might be limited with branding possibilities. It’s difficult to say what the future of CrossFit will entail, but if your were your own brand, you could steer your company and many different directions. What if you find out that your CrossFit classes aren’t selling, but your low impact workout for older people are selling like crazy. It might be better from a branding perspective to go with your own brand.

These are just some things to think about when opening your own fitness facility. There are pros and cons to both sides, but it’s up to you to decide what to do. Hopefully you’ve gained some insights from this post and hope you make the right decision. All gyms aren’t created equal, so in the end the quality of your gym will be up to you.

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