Case Study
Marketing Agency - Growth Webflow Template
North Shore Weight Loss - General Campaign
02/23/23 - 04/13/23


Clickthrough Rate


Cost per Click






Generated leads


Cost per lead
North Shore Weight Loss - Telehealth Campaign
07/19/23 - 09/05/23


Clickthrough Rate


Cost per Click






Generated leads


Cost per Lead

Example Creatives

Our Contribution

Making an Impact

For North Shore Weight Loss, a brand-new business seeking to establish its presence and attract a robust clientele, our digital marketing expertise was pivotal. By developing and executing a comprehensive Facebook advertising campaign coupled with regular, engaging social media posts, we significantly heightened brand awareness within the targeted demographic. Our efforts were not merely about visibility; we crafted messages that resonated with potential patients, emphasizing the unique value proposition of North Shore Weight Loss and how it could transform their health and wellness journey.

The results were remarkable. Through our strategic use of digital marketing tools and platforms, we generated hundreds of leads, connecting North Shore Weight Loss with individuals genuinely interested in their services. Our approach was not a one-time effort but a sustained campaign that continues to deliver. We keep refining our tactics based on data-driven insights, ensuring that the flow of new patients remains constant. This ongoing success in client acquisition has been instrumental in the growth and expansion of North Shore Weight Loss's clientele, solidifying its reputation in the weight loss and wellness sector. Our partnership has been a cornerstone of their business development strategy, proving that the right digital marketing approach can yield significant, lasting benefits.

Their Goal

Build Brand & Increase Awareness for 80+ Locations

WNB Factory reached out to us to help them take their brand to the next level as they scaled up their locations. We launched local and national awareness campaigns as well as helped increase their online ordering. We built a website optimized for search as well call to actions to promote fast ordering.

Our Role

How We Helped

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